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The band has found another rhythm guitarist, Mark Labate. So far things are going very well. Once again, the search is on for a drummer. Yeah, we know, it's a drummer!

The Morning Riders were founded by Jeff Gordon in 2012.  After a two year hiatus, due to the passing of Rocky, the mentor and lead guitarist,
the band reformed.
The band is all original, with a '60's-'70's feel.  The main genre is rock with some blues and reggae thrown in.

The band is currently working on their first project, Thank The Lord.  Six songs are complete,"Why Can't We", "It's Love", "Wisemen", "The Ocean Song","Morning Rider" and "Fallen Angels".  The band has three other songs in various stages of recording.  The band has  been showcasing some of the material at various open mic night gigs.  They seem to be going over well. The musicians in the Morning Riders are also the rhythm section for the curent line up of the Dlinkwents and Carole Klass.
Some of the material from the band is featured in live shows by Blues Street Rock.  Check it out.

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Stay tuned here for more info.
You can always e-mail them at Raye Records.