The Sound

Catalog # 713062219036

This album is predominantly avant garde rock.  Different from the norm (really)
You may go to any of the following sites to hear more of the sounds. 
In addition, if you prefer to purchase the music elsewhere or get individual songs
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Click on a song to ear a 20 second sound bite.
Title Authoring Description
Big Blur Heath - All Instruments, Vocals
What's in a womans's mind
Freak The Beat Heath - All Instruments, Vocals How to dance to the music
Walking By The Moonlight Heath - All Instruments, Vocals Chasing the night away. Why?
Change Of Pace Heath - All Instruments, Vocals Changing the pace of your life
Burnt Out Glory Heath - All Instruments, Vocals When you leave someone, glory is gone
New County Heath - All Instruments, Vocals A great place where the music stops
Coolwind Heath - All Instruments, Vocals Where the cool wind will take you
Endless Summer Heath - All Instruments, Vocals These are the summers we all like
Lonely Operator Heath - All Instruments, Vocals  Surrounded, but all alone
Planet Ocean Heath - All Instruments, Vocals Not sacrificing the truth
Yesterday's Coffee Heath - All Instruments, Vocals Playing the music where it doesn't belong
Soda Pop Heath - All Instruments, Vocals  Not the kind you drink

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